Do you Look Professional, Authentic, Trusted, a person with values and purpose? Be found for the right reasons across social platforms and AI. Be you!

Change Reports


Educated Change (EC) is proud to introduce our AI-powered Change Reports, a revolutionary tool designed to assess and enhance your digital footprint. In the digital age, your online presence is your first impression, and with Change Reports, you can ensure it's a powerful one.

Change Reports provide a comprehensive understanding of your digital capital. Leveraging advanced AI technology, these reports analyze your online profiles and presence, assessing how you and your team appear to the digital world. Are you digitally dressed for success? What does your digital body language say about you, your team, and your company? Change Reports answer these questions and more.

Our AI technology goes beyond surface-level analysis. It delves into the nuances of your digital footprint, identifying areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. It assesses whether you look professional online and how effectively you're found by search engines. More importantly, it determines if your online presence aligns with the keywords that matter to your prospects.

But Change Reports don't just diagnose - they prescribe. Each report provides actionable recommendations on how to enhance your digital brand. From profile changes to keyword optimization, our AI-driven insights equip you with the tools to transform your digital brand and prepare you for the next steps of social influencing.

In essence, Change Reports are more than just an assessment tool - they're a roadmap to digital success. By understanding and optimizing your digital capital, you can ensure that you, your team, and your company are not just participating in the digital world, but leading it.

Experience the power of AI-enhanced digital assessment with Change Reports and revolutionize your online presence today.

More about Change Reports

Example Change Report



EC Workshops offers tailored training on AI and Digital Twins, aimed at improving your team's professional reputation and boosting your organization's digital footprint. Our goal is to increase revenue growth through the power of influence and social selling. We believe everyone's network is a potential revenue source, and our workshops tap into this potential.

To leverage these networks, it's essential that your team members appear professional and are easily discoverable by search engines. We also focus on educating your team about the transformative power of AI. Understanding these technologies is critical to navigating the digital landscape.

We encourage a mindset change, and show how AI tools can enhance communication and build stronger communities. We guide employees on how to engage with their network, your company's prospects, and customers. This involves directing attention to prime the audience for a particular message before they encounter it, thereby increasing its persuasive impact.

Our workshops are customized to your company, taking into account your specific industry, clients, competitors, and sales strategies. This ensures that the skills and strategies your team learns are directly applicable and immediately beneficial to your business.

Join us at EC Workshops and empower your team to become influential social sellers, driving revenue growth and enhancing your company's digital influence. Together, we can navigate the digital world, driven by AI, and a shared purpose, always building community and shaping the future.

  • Using AI to save 2 hours a day

  • Building your Digital Twin

  • Leading with Love

  • Leading with Olympic Love

  • AI Bootcamp Basics

  • Advanced Social Selling

  • Making Social Selling a Habit

Keynote Speaker


In the midst of the digital deluge, finding equilibrium is crucial. Our keynote presentation is designed to guide you in navigating the complexities of technology, social media, and content. We delve into the art of pre-suasion and influence, and illuminate the benefits of social selling.

Our keynote speakers, steeped in the ethos of "Leading with Love", are adept at engaging audiences and fostering experiential learning. They are fervent advocates for education and positive transformation, harnessing cutting-edge technologies like AI, drones, bots, and Digital Twin Technology to impart their insights on pertinent issues that all digital enterprises should be cognizant of.

The discourse encompasses a range of topics, from mastering attention and managing distractions, to achieving balance amidst the whirlwind of social networks and technology. We also tackle the challenge of content and social media overload, and demystify the concepts of social selling and GDPR.

In the spirit of Oneness, we invite you to join us on this journey of learning and transformation. Our approach is deeply rooted in building community and amplifying purpose, recognizing that we are all part of a larger whole and promoting unity and collaboration. "Leading with Love" is not just a leadership style, it's a transformative force for a more compassionate and understanding world.